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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My impression of an infomercial

Are you sick an tired of plastic bags that just don't hold your library books?

Studies show that the average old shopping bag is designed to hold four loaves of bread. This makes it totally inadequate for your modern library needs. Add to this the thousands of plastic shopping bags that litter our road sides and fill our land fills every year.

Well here at the Invercargill Public library we have the answer. Reusable book bags made from recycled materials. Each bag will hold not 1, not 2, but up to 8 hardback novels*. Bags are available in a glorious purple/blue colour and you'll pay no more than $2 for this stunning addition to your library experience.

*Results may very due to size and shape of actual books.

Do you like books but have trouble reading? Do you want audio-books but don't like having to change tape or CD twenty time a book?

Well the Invercargill Public library has the answer to all your prayers. We now stock Playaway audio-books in both our children's and adult's libraries.

“But what is a Playaway?” I hear you ask. A Playaway is a small device which sits in the palm of your hand and, using MP3 technology, contains a whole audio-book. All you need to do is find a pair of ear phones (If you don't have any you can buy them from us at the low low price of $2) press Play, and sit back and be entertained. Playaways are issued for four weeks and are free to borrow. We supply two rechargeable batteries (one in the unit and another as backup) which must be returned with the unit.


Of course you are. All you need to do is go to our catalogue and type “Playaway” into the keyword phrase search (that's the one that shows when you open the catalogue). This will bring up a full list of the Playaway audio-books we have in stock. After that you'll find them located in the spoken word collections of our adult's and children's libraries.
Don't hesitate.
Check one out now.

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