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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Help

I went to see the movie “The Help” on Saturday night. It is about a woman living in Mississippi in the 1960’s, named Skeeter who gets a job as a ghost columnist for home help in a very racist era of American history. Skeeter decides to write a book about what life is like being the help. Even though it is against the law and very dangerous, Skeeter gets some maids to tell her about the hardships and triumphs of being a African American maid in a white household. Skeeter is trying to hide her writing from her sick mother, her new boyfriend and her best friend, Hilly who is leading a bill that all houses should have a separate “coloured toilet” for the help.

This movie is a heart moving story full of humour. Based on a novel by Kathryn Stockett, I was disturbed by how Skeeter’s friend treated her maid, just for using the toilet. This is a good view of what went on behind the closed doors during the 1960’s in some states in America. Great cast featuring Emma Stone and Bryce Dallas Howard. Watch out for Sissy Spacek who is very funny as Hilly’s mother who has dementia.

If you haven’t watched it yet I urge you to. If you would like to read the book the movie is based on follow this link to our catalogue or click the book cover. I have since placed a hold on the novel and am looking forward to reading it.

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